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Bogle Gives Back: Juggernaut Wines + 4Ocean

Juggernaut Wines harness the power of nature to create wines of concentration, complexity, and intensity.  But sometimes nature needs a little help…

Our family has partnered with 4Ocean to address global pollution to protect our oceans and our ferocious ocean animals.  We are committed to removing 10,000 pounds of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines in 2024!

Who is 4Ocean?  Founded by two surfers in 2017, this dedicated organization employs local fishermen and captains globally to clean up trash from the world’s waterways.  With over 12 locations, 185 crew, and 17 vessels to date over 34,071,431 million pounds of trash have been removed so far…and counting.

There are several ways Bogle is contributing.  Our organization has made a donation to support 4Ocean’s work globally.  In addition, our family and staff have been participating in beach cleanups around the US, as well as engaging our distributor partners to do the same.  While our goal is modest at just 10,000 pounds of trash removed, we know that with your help, we can go even further!

Lastly, we are proud to support 4Ocean’s Waves of Support.  With the purchase of a 4Ocean bracelet made from recovered plastics, you’ll be helping create employment opportunities for local communities and generate revenue to further 4Ocean’s reach and impact.  Bracelets can be purchased at our Home Ranch Wine Shop, our Bogle online shop, and through 4Ocean itself at www.4Ocean.com.

We hope you’ll explore and learn more about this fantastic organization!

Pictured top right: Director of Sales, East Coast Matt Mitchell and Florida Regional Manager Ryan McLeod flank 4Ocean coordinator at beach cleanup