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Bogle Gives Back: Yolo County Children’s Alliance

It’s time for our annual Bogle Gives Back Toy Drive to benefit the Yolo County Children’s Alliance!

From now through December 10th, come out to Bogle’s Home Ranch and bring a new, unwrapped toy with you.  Not only are we taking donations of toys from guests, but our staff gets in on the fun as well.  Last year, we donated hundreds of toys to children in our local region.  We are so proud to have been brightening those children’s holiday seasons for over 5 years now!

And we’ll also brighten your day as well!  With each donation, Bogle Family Vineyards will share a complimentary Tasting Experience for two at our Home Ranch in Clarksburg.  This certificate has a $40 value and must be booked no later than April 30th!

Thank you for helping us Give Back to our community.