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Bogle Honored by the California State Fair

Bogle Vineyards is honored to be a recipient of the 2018 California State Fair Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes a person, family, or institution who are pioneers in the wine industry based on their lifetime contributions to the California wine industry. Previous honorees have included the Wente Family, Robert Mondavi, and Jim Concannon.

“We feel privileged to be awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award this year, especially as it is our 50th year in the wine business,” says Jody Bogle. “It’s pretty amazing to think it all started with just 20 acres of winegrapes in 1968.”

An awards ceremony is scheduled for March 27th at the State Fair Wine Judges Dinner to be held at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg.

“We are truly humbled and happy to receive this honor surrounded by our Clarksburg community of wineries, winegrowers, and friends,” says Bogle. “They have supported our company from the beginning, so we are grateful to have them with us as we receive the award.”