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Celebrating Our Golden Anniversary: 50 Years and Counting

Fifty years ago, our grandfather, Warren Bogle, took a chance and planted 20 acres of Chenin Blanc and Petite Sirah here on our Home Ranch in Clarksburg. He could never have imagined that those first fields would grow into a company with wines sold in all 50 states and spanning 36 countries worldwide. We are sure he would be filled with gratitude and pride, as are we. And none of it would be possible without your support.

Our extended family is grateful to all of you throughout the years…

We are grateful to our wine club members who always seem to keep a bottle of our wine close by.

We are grateful to those who go out of their way to visit our winery when traveling to California.

We are grateful to you for always bringing a bottle of our wine to your family dinner.

We are grateful to those who sip on our wines while curled up on the sofa binge-watching a favorite show.

We are grateful to you who have helped create award-winning wines while working for our family.

We are grateful to you who made Bogle a part of your wedding day.

We are grateful to you who packs a bottle of Bogle and takes pictures of us around the world.

We are grateful to you who has a hand in getting the grapes to the glass: vineyard crews, cellar workers, salespeople, shelf stockers.

We are grateful to those who belly up to the bar with a glass of our wine while you catch up with friends.

We are grateful to you who pop a bottle as you watch the sun set over the ocean.

To you, for this, and so much more, thank you for supporting us each and every day.

Here’s to you, and to another 50 years!

Warren, Ryan and Jody Bogle
and the extended Bogle family