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Feeding Our Medical Workers on the Front Lines

As part of our Bogle Gives Back program, our family and staff were able to feed 6,000 Sacramento-area medical workers to say thank you for their efforts to battle the coronavirus and keep our community safe. All of the meals were purchased from locally-owned restaurants in an effort to provide support to food and service industry workers who have been dramatically impacted by the outbreak.

“We know our front-line medical workers needed support, so we wanted to provide them with lunch and just one less thing to worry about,” said Jody Bogle, Director of Public Relations. “In addition, we were able to give a boost to several of our local restaurants so that they could keep paying staff who have seen their hours cut back.”

The meals were delivered to Mercy General, Sutter Medical Center, UC Davis Medical Center, and Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento during the week of April 13th.  Restaurants that participated included Beach Hut Deli (Midtown Sacramento), Buckhorn Grill, Fat Cat Bakery, Fixins Soul Kitchen, La Crosta, Mulvaney’s B&L, Urban Roots, and Zocalo.

“The thanks we received from both the medical and restaurant communities was overwhelming,” added Jody. “It just felt good to be able to do something to contribute to those who have been so severely impacted.”