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Following the Rules: Exciting Changes to our Sustainability Practices

Though we have been living and farming sustainably since the late 1800s here in the Sacramento Delta, we have worked with the Lodi Rules for Sustainability since 2010 to certify our estate winegrapes. For those of you who enjoy our reserve or estate selection wines here at the tasting room or through the wine club, you’ve seen the Certified Green, Lodi Rules seal on our bottles.

As a family, it has been important to be a part of this third-party certification program. Not only have we certified our estate acreage, but we have paid a bonus to our partner growers to be a part of the program as well.  We are one of only three wineries to do this.

Starting with the 2017 vintage, Bogle will be making it mandatory for our grower partners across the state to participate in the program. While we will continue to pay the bonus to each grower who enrolls, the payoff for us is fruit of exceptional quality that meets the high standards we hold ourselves to.

With this expanded partnership, comes a new seal for certification. The seal, pictured above, is the Certified Green, California Rules for Sustainability seal. The first wines to carry this seal were our limited release 2016 Pinot Noir Rosé and our 2015 Reserve Pinot Noir.

With all of the fruit Bogle uses certified by the California Rules in 2017, we hope to begin using this seal on all of our wines with the 2017 vintage. As more and more wineries begin using various sustainability seals on their wines, we know that the California Rules are the most stringent certification process. We know it is the right thing to do for future generations.

Interested in knowing more? click here.