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Greetings from the Home Ranch

Sunshine + Wine = Summertime!

Happy summer to everyone out there! With the 4th of July holiday behind us, we now turn to the long growing days of July and August! The vines will no longer focus their attention on the canes and leaves, but will instead work on those all-important clusters! Veraison, when the grapes start to soften and sugar begins to develop, begins in earnest. By mid-August, those first white wine varietals will be ready to be picked!

Come see it for yourself here in Clarksburg! From our Friday Alfresco concert series to popcorn-fueled Movie Nights, to our Tasting Experiences during the week, we’re here if you need a place to settle in, unwind, and sip something delicious. We hope you’ll visit us soon!


The Bogle Family

Warren, Jody, and Ryan Bogle