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Bogle joins the Sustainable Wine Roundtable

This past spring, our family launched a brand new wine packaged in a first-of-its-kind aluminum 750ml wine-shaped bottle.  Element[AL] Wines has been much talked about in the wine industry for its cutting-edge packaging and impact on the carbon footprint of wine.

Traditional glass bottles account for nearly 30% of wine’s carbon footprint.  For years, industry leaders have been calling attention to this, asking for wineries to think outside the “bottle.”  As a family that focuses on sustainability with everything we do, it has been so exciting to spearhead what we hope is not just a moment in our industry, but a movement.

“Element[AL] Wines are just the beginning of the conversation.  We wanted to learn as much as we could about increasing the sustainability of wine, while sharing what we have learned on our journey as well,” says Jody Bogle.

Bogle Family Vineyards is proud to have joined the Sustainable Wine Roundtable, an organization based in the UK whose goal is to convene the global wine community to facilitate knowledge sharing, enable practical solutions, and inspire action.  Currently, there are 90+ members in over 25 countries, including wineries like Bogle as well as others from around the world, wine advocates, retailers such as Whole Foods, industry experts, and even the WWF, the World Wildlife Fund.

The SWR works hard to get all these minds together to collaborate on a range of areas, including:

  • Packaging,
  • Vineyard inputs,
  • Labor standards,
  • Other issues, including logistics, wine tourism, and a host of others.

SWR workshops, podcasts, webinars, and newsletters share their work with an audience worldwide, in an effort to engage in conversation and create best practices for continued sustainable outcomes. Jody Bogle will be featured on the organization’s July podcast.

“I can’t wait to share our sustainability story with others working in the industry,” says Jody.  “And I know our collaboration will lead to even more learnings for our winery as we work to improve our sustainability year over year.”

More information can be found at www.swroundtable.org.