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The Big Night!

Being named as American Winery of the Year by Wine Enthusiast Magazine was quite honor and to celebrate the achievement, we were invited to this year’s Wine Star Awards in San Francisco.

Joining 750 guests, including industry veterans, winery legends and even a rock star, our family was delighted to be presented the award at the Palace of Fine Arts on January 27th.

In an evening where many speakers highlighted the importance of sustainability, it was especially fitting we received the American Winery of the Year award since 96% of grapes crushed at Bogle are certified sustainable by the California Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing program.

We felt truly honored to share the stage with Lifetime Achievement Award winner Francis Ford Coppola and Wine & Culture Award winner Jon Bon Jovi, whose acoustic rendition of “Livin’ on a Prayer” stole the show.

Our family was especially grateful to be able to celebrate the evening with fifteen of our long-time employees, many who have spent more than two decades at the winery.

“We have something really special here,” said Jody Bogle, who, alongside her brothers, received the award on behalf of the winery. “Bogle Vineyards would not have been recognized as American Winery of the Year without our hard-working staff and customers who have supported us year after year.”