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Uncorking the Bogle Family History

Sixth generation farming family Warren, Jody and Ryan Bogle held their first ever Bogle Uncorked event at the B Street Theatre in Sacramento Thursday, August 27. In front of Bandwagon Wine Club members and B Street Theatre supporters, the siblings told stories and shared memories of growing up on the Bogle Ranch.

“When I was in high school I wanted so badly to be a lifeguard at the community pool, but my father (Chris Bogle) had other ideas,” recalled Jody Bogle. “He said to me, ‘I’ve got a job for you right out there in the vineyard.’ So, while I was less than thrilled with my summer jobs, I learned the hard work that goes into a bottle of wine and am thankful for it today.”

Jody, Warren, and Ryan all spent their younger days working in the fields, and each has come back to the family business, finding their own niche. Warren serves as President and Vineyard Director, Jody in Public Relations and Ryan as Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer. All three are committed to creating a great bottle of wine that anyone can enjoy.

“It’s pretty simple: quality, value and consistency…that’s our philosophy,” says Warren.

The family would like to thank everyone who came out to the event and looks forward to hosting another Bogle Uncorked in the future.

Photo above: Ryan, Jody and Warren Bogle on stage at Bogle Uncorked at the B Street Theatre in August.