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Greetings from the Home Ranch

Sunshine + Wine = Summertime! Happy summer to everyone out there! With the 4th of July holiday behind us, we now turn to the long growing days of July and August! The vines will no longer focus their attention on the canes and leaves, but will instead work on those all-important clusters! Veraison, when the grapes start to soften […]

Summer of Music at Bogle

What’s better than sipping on your favorite glass of perfectly chilled wine while listening to the strumming of a guitar as the Delta breeze wafts by?  Not much, in our opinion! Join us for a summer of music, wine, and fun at the Bogle Home Ranch in Clarksburg.  We’ve got a robust lineup of events […]

Greetings from the Home Ranch

It’s a very exciting time here at Bogle Family Vineyards! Not only has spring sprung with growing vines and activity buzzing in the vineyards, but there’s also been so much springing up at the winery as well! As a family we have always put sustainability at the forefront of everything we do: from little things like […]

We’re Having a Spring Cleaning Wine Sale!

When cleaning out the winery’s nooks and crannies we found way more than dust bunnies: we found wine that needs a good home! Friday-Sunday, April 12-14 10am-5pm @ the Home Ranch in Clarksburg From traditional offerings to gift packs, to special reserve selections, these odds and ends will be deeply discounted and ALL WINE must […]

Greetings from the Home Ranch

Hello from Clarksburg! 2024 has been a been a wet one here in Northern California with over eleven inches of rain since the start of the year and more forecasted to come. Though this is about 35% above average, we don’t mind too much. With the grapevines currently standing dormant in the fields, excess water won’t do them […]

Greetings from the Home Ranch

It is simply impossible to believe that the holiday season has come upon us so quickly!  Weren’t we just celebrating bud break in the spring? As we do each year, our family sends our best wishes to you and yours this season. Spending time with loved ones, especially those we see infrequently, makes this a truly special time of year. We […]

Clarksburg Eats!

More and more people are visiting Clarksburg and tasting all the fruits of our labors!  After all that wine, it’s time to eat!  For a small river town, we are so excited to have three options for eats either before or after your afternoon at Bogle! Husick’s ~ Originally one of the two general stores […]