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Bogle Partnering with American Rivers

Growing up on the farm in Clarksburg, summers were one of our favorite times of the year. When we weren’t helping our parents in the fields, we’d spend our days around the Sacramento River building forts, tossing dirt clods at each other, and occasionally commandeering the local rowboat to paddle up and down Elk Slough.

It is the rivers and these adventures that helped shape why we, as third generation winegrowers, operate a sustainability-focused winery today.

We take sustainable winegrowing seriously as we know that what we do in the fields has an impact on the environment around us. By not taking great care of the land and the river, we are in danger of losing our greatest assets.

To help ensure these natural beauties remain as they are, we are partnering with American Rivers, the nation’s leading river conservation organization.

The partnership aims to bring attention to how we can all help preserve rivers and waterways around the US. With a donation from our summer wine sales to American Rivers, we hope to be able to effect real change and ensure the sustainability of our country’s national resources.

There is also a great opportunity for you to win a guided backpacking trip for two at Yellowstone’s Shoshone Geyser Basin.

Grand Prize Includes:

  • 4-day, 3-night guided backpacking trip for 2 to Yellowstone’s Shoshone Geyser Basin
  • Roundtrip Airfare
  • $500 gift card for travel incidentals
  • Branded Bogle gear including camping chairs, lantern, mugs, and t-shirts

The contest runs through August 31st.

To learn more, visit:


We hope you enjoy your summer and get out and enjoy a greater outdoors!