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Member Milestones

Twenty years ago we started our first wine club, the Bogle Bandwagon, at the request of visitors to the newly opened tasting room.  The very first shipment included two wines that we hadn’t made before: the 2000 Viognier and the 1999 Reserve Zinfandel.  Those two wines started it all.

Unbelievably, we still have 31 original members receiving wines twenty years later!  In over two decades, they have received SEVENTY shipments of wine, including new varieties, unique bottlings, and even a lab sample or two.  (Remember the Alicante Bouchet? Or the Petite Nouveau?)

Our family is grateful for all our members, but we want to take a minute to send a word of thanks to our “Twenty Year Members” for all their support…and wine drinking!

Starla Hirst – Steve & Michelle Alger – Mark & Jodi Ballenger – Dave Chaix – John Kirkman – Dennis & Pat Rainey – Mary Clark – Rosemary Metrailer – Pam Swanson – Regina & Ben Edwards – Paul Harrington – Tara Leung – Robert Runyan – Michael & Bretlin Mello – Deloris Secor – Kathy & Peter Hunn – Linda Toccalini – Frank & Flo Clayton – Leah & Lukas Hermes – Sandy Hill – Ron & Sylvia Roach – Bill & Julia Schaw – Erica Trylovich – John Cronjager – John & Nancy Dey – Melissa Fogarty – Esther Koopman – Margaret Woodcock – Kathy Bruns – Scott & Carol Hroza – Chaz Baird

Since that first shipment all those years ago, much has changed.  Our single fledgling club has grown to over 4000 members, and we now offer five different clubs for people to choose from.  Whether you like red wines, white wines, or unique bottlings, there is a little something for everyone!  And if you have any questions, you can just ask one of them!  At this point, we consider these 31 members Bogle experts!