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Bogle Winemaker Eric Aafedt, Cheers to 30 Years!

In the early 1990s, a small Clarksburg winery hired an aspiring winemaker named Eric Aafedt. Some three decades later, the Bogle family is celebrating our Vice President of Winemaking’s 30th year making award-winning wines. “Our family has been growing grapes for 56 years, and for more than half that time, Eric has been intrinsically involved […]

Cindy Nemes: The Heart of So Cal Sales

The first time Cindy Nemes saw the Sacramento River Delta was on her first visit to Bogle Winery in 1989. She was coming up to see about a job for the growing winery operation. “I had never been to the area before. Driving from the airport to Clarksburg, I kept thinking, ‘Where the heck am […]

Wanted: Only the Best! Director of Winegrowing, Chris Smith

As one of Bogle’s longest tenured employees (starting as our winemaker way back in 1992) Chris has always kept our goal of quality in the forefront.  Here he talks about his year-round effort to bring in the best winegrapes in California. The most powerful rule in modern and traditional wine making is a simple one. To […]