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Member Milestones

Twenty years ago we started our first wine club, the Bogle Bandwagon, at the request of visitors to the newly opened tasting room.  The very first shipment included two wines that we hadn’t made before: the 2000 Viognier and the 1999 Reserve Zinfandel.  Those two wines started it all. Unbelievably, we still have 31 original […]

Let’s Rosé the Day Away…

There’s nothing like the long, blue-skied days of summer! Warm breezes and lingering hours allow more time to spend with friends and family…and more time to enjoy a delicious glass of Rosé. Handpicked from Pinot Noir vineyards in the Russian River Valley,  these grapes were crushed as quickly as possible. After being cold tank fermented […]

To Chill or Not to Chill: A Very Important Question

It happens to all of us…on a warm day, spending an afternoon with friends enjoying the summer months, and there’s red wine. Uh oh. We’ve all heard that red wine should be served at room temperature. But we’ve also all had red wine that is served…at room temperature. “Nothing is worse than a wine that is served too warm,” says […]