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Outdoor Movie Night

As the days get longer and the nights get warmer, setting up an outdoor movie night is one of our favorite outdoor evening activities. Skip the large crowds and long lines so you can have fun with the whole family in your own backyard. Who knows, it may even spark a new family tradition! Here are a few of the ways we make our outdoor movie night extra special!

1. Set Up Your Movie Screen

Pull out the projector and projector screen and pick a movie the whole family will enjoy! If you don’t have a projector screen, don’t worry, because a crisp pure white sheet hung up on a banister or along a fence works too!

Tip: Listening to a movie come out of the laptop speakers won’t cut it, so make sure you have an external speaker to help boost volume!

2. Set Up a Cozy Space to Sit

Set the mood for your outdoor movie night and make an inviting seating area for the whole family. Create a comfortable spot for the family to lounge. Use outdoor furniture or pull out the inflatable mattress, blankets, and pillows.

Tip: Try lighting a few citronella candles or having some natural bug repellent handy for added comfort, because it’s mosquito season!

3. Snacks and Refreshments

Compile a mix of your favorite easy-to-grab foods and snacks for people to munch on. If you have a low end table, stool, or a laptop desk, pull that out to make your spread easy to reach throughout the show!

No movie night is complete without our favorite adult refreshment – wine! All of the Bogle Family Vineyard wines are well balanced and food friendly, so grab your favorite bottle and serve alongside those outdoor snacks. Our favorite for movie night is always the classic Chardonnay; a the perfect pairing for that buttered popcorn!

Cheers to gathering with family and friends this summer season!