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Honored to be Grower of the Year

When we first arrived in the Sacramento River Delta, our family settled as farmers.  Over 150 years later, farming remains at the core of our operation here in Clarksburg.  Through orchards, field crops, and now vineyards, we are proud to be a part of California’s agricultural landscape.

This year, we are even prouder to be recognized with the 2022 Grower of the Year award, bestowed by the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG).  CAWG protects and promotes the interests of California winegrape growers by providing members a unified voice, effective advocacy, and strong leadership.  CAWG’s members work to foster awareness and understanding of winegrape growers’ contributions to the economy, environment, and California communities.

“The Bogles—Warren, Jody, and Ryan—are role models in the winegrape industry through their longtime commitment to sustainability, success in producing quality wines, advocacy for their community and fellow growers, and well-deserved respect as an employer,” said CAWG President John Aguirre. “CAWG is proud to have Bogle Vineyards as a longtime member.

The Grower of the Year Award is the highest honor given by CAWG. It is bestowed to an individual, family, or company that represents an outstanding example of excellence in viticulture and management. The recipient is an efficient and successful producer of quality winegrapes, recognized for innovation and leadership within the industry.

“Grape growing is at the heart of what we do every day,” says Warren Bogle, 6th generation farmer and current winery president.  “It is an honor and a privilege to receive the CAWG Grower of the Year award.  Being honored by our peers is a great achievement and our family is grateful for this industry community we are a part of.”

This award is the third for our family in the last several years, following the 2018 Green Leader Award for our sustainability efforts and the 2019 Winery of the Year Award from Wine Enthusiast.  We continue to be humbled by these great honors.