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The Phantom Strikes Again

Bogle is honored to have received stellar scores for our Phantom Red and Phantom Chardonnay from Wine Enthusiast Magazine. Phantom Red earned 90 points and Editor’s Choice, while the Chardonnay earned a 91 point score. As our “reserve selection” of wines, these hand-crafted vintages are the best wines we produce…and we are delighted to have been recognized by such a leader in the industry.

“Each lot of grapes that goes into our Phantom program is hand selected from the multiple vineyards we have,” says Director of Winemaking Eric Aafedt. “We are looking for the grapes that have exceptional quality, character and stand above the others. In this way, we are crafting a “reserve” tier of wines.”

Not only have the winemakers selected the best grapes for these wines, but they are also aging them in oak barrels for extended periods of time. “The Phantom Red gets an extra year in 1- and 2-year-old American & French oak,” says Eric. “This time in the barrel creates a deeper concentration, a subtler touch of tannin and a richer mouthfeel for the wine.”

The Phantom Chardonnay benefits in the same way, claims Eric. “Fermenting and aging in French oak barrels, with hand stirring of the lees every two weeks, really gives the Chardonnay a remarkably creamy and toasty texture.”

Phantom also has a unique and personal story to its name…”Bogle” is the Scottish word for “ghost.” Legends tell of a Phantom that stalked the hillsides of Scotland, only to travel to the New World and settle with the Bogle’s here in California. Today, sightings continue to occur at the family’s winery. Click here to uncover the mystery.

Both Phantom Chardonnay and Phantom Red can be elusive to find. Discover the Phantom, before it disappears again!