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Cindy Nemes: The Heart of So Cal Sales

The first time Cindy Nemes saw the Sacramento River Delta was on her first visit to Bogle Winery in 1989. She was coming up to see about a job for the growing winery operation. “I had never been to the area before. Driving from the airport to Clarksburg, I kept thinking, ‘Where the heck am […]

Phantom Sightings

Over the years, unexplainable sightings at the winery of a mysterious apparition have occurred. There have been glimpses of things that aren’t there and feelings of being watched from the shadows. Though unclear, its unfathomable presence has come to be known as the Phantom. In 1999 when we released our first Phantom red blend, our […]

Patty & Chris: Wines, Vines, and True Love

While the Bogle story spans six (and now seven!) generations, so much of where the winery is today begins with Patty Schiewe and Chris Bogle in the fall of 1969. From the start, it didn’t seem like the two had very much in common when they met freshman year at Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon. Chris […]