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Being Sustainable: Going Beyond Green in the Vineyard

Nearly a decade ago, our family made the decision to build a new winery in Clarksburg to help improve our winemaking process while using the latest sustainable practices. We believed then and have proven that it is possible to create high-quality wines while reducing the impact on the environment. “From water to waste to power, […]

Going Beyond Green: Sustainability Takes Flight

For generations, our family has lived in the Sacramento Delta. Growing up here, spending time out in the fields and along the river, we saw many different types of birds who also called the area home. As kids, we had no idea just how many species thrive here and continue to do so today. Clarksburg […]

Bogle Partnering with American Rivers

Growing up on the farm in Clarksburg, summers were one of our favorite times of the year. When we weren’t helping our parents in the fields, we’d spend our days around the Sacramento River building forts, tossing dirt clods at each other, and occasionally commandeering the local rowboat to paddle up and down Elk Slough. […]

Following the Rules: Exciting Changes to our Sustainability Practices

Though we have been living and farming sustainably since the late 1800s here in the Sacramento Delta, we have worked with the Lodi Rules for Sustainability since 2010 to certify our estate winegrapes. For those of you who enjoy our reserve or estate selection wines here at the tasting room or through the wine club, […]

Our Commitment to the Vineyard: It All Starts Here

Every vineyard, every grape type, every location is different, of course. And for Warren, who will see his 19th harvest this fall, that means knowing and understanding 1,600 acres of wine grapes. The grass you see growing down some of the rows is called a “cover crop” and can actually be one of dozens of different types […]